Home away from home
Miquel Anderson, Class of 2019
Major: Nursing
I'm connected to Campus Ministries through my relationship with Arthur and Amber. Campus Ministries means a lot to me as it is my safe haven whenever I'm feeling down or homesick or when I feel like everything is in "shambles" after having a bad day. Campus Ministries is one place I can say is always looking out for the minority students.
It has challenged me in my Christian walk in a way that it forces me to try to look at things from a biblical perspective and not just do what makes me happy. I have indeed built great friendships through Campus Ministries and most of my HU friends I met them in the Campus Ministries office where we are free to express ourselves and while having a great time, laughing and sharing our experiences.
Campus Ministries is the closest thing to home. It gives me hope and through campus ministries I am shown that someone cares.