February blood drive exceeds goals
FOR RELEASE: Wednesday, March 6, 2013
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Huntington University exceeded goals for its February blood drive in the amount of individuals participating and units donated. The American Red Cross sets an ideal goal for each drive depending on the local and national need as well as the anticipated amount of donors. Only anticipating approximately 60 units, the Red Cross was thrilled to have HU exceed that goal with 68 units donated a 36 percent increase over the previous year's drive and approximately 75 to 80 donors for the drive.
Grace McBrayer, director of volunteer service and outreach ministry, credits the rise in donors to more student awareness.
"I think a huge portion of why our donations have increased is due to students like Brittney Rooze and Jake Essig who are responsible for promoting and encouraging student athletes and coaches to donate" McBrayer said.
The next blood drive will be April 17.