Friesen Center announces new service programs
FOR RELEASE: Sunday, October 13, 2013
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Huntington University's Friesen Center for Volunteer Service, formerly the Joe Mertz Center, has announced new volunteer opportunities for students for the new academic year. The new programs include work with the Huntington County Humane Shelter and the Adopt-a-Highway program. The Huntington County Humane Shelter is seeking volunteers to assist in taking care of the animals. Volunteers will do a variety of work, including walking dogs, grooming fur, playing with kittens and feeding the animals. The Adopt-a-Highway Program will have students cleaning a section of the highway (yet to be determined) around Huntington. The section of highway will be named for the Friesen Center.
The Friesen Center will also take an exercise in faith over spring break by facilitating a mystery trip. The trip will take place over the break from March 15-23, but the location, type of work and the length of the trip will not be decided until the weekend before the trip leaves. It is an attempt to bring God-led ministry to wherever it is needed most.
The Friesen Center is a student-directed organization that coordinates HU students in volunteer efforts on a daily basis. The Friesen Center stands to build the idea that every one person can make a difference in the community.