HU inducts 22 students into Alpha Chi Honor Society

Huntington University inducted 22 new members into the Indiana Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi during a convocation held Friday, Oct. 9.
“Membership in Alpha Chi is the highest academic honor at Huntington University, and represents both a recognition of scholastic achievement and a commitment to promoting academic excellence and integrity on and off campus, as well as service,” said Dr. Ruth Nalliah, faculty sponsor of Alpha Chi and professor of chemistry.
The Indiana Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi National College Honor Scholarship Society was established in 1967 and is one of more than 300 chapters in Alpha Chi. It is active in the regional and national activities of Alpha Chi, and was named the National Chapter of the Year in 2001 and 2015.
In 2015, for the 19th consecutive year, the Indiana Beta Chapter also was selected as a Star Chapter of Alpha Chi. It is one of four chapters to have received this award every year since its inception in 1996. Its members present papers at the national conventions of Alpha Chi and frequently win regional and national scholarships.
The following students were inducted into the Alpha Chi chapter for 2015:
- David Baird, a junior philosophy major from Rogersville, Minnesota.
- Daniel Becker, a junior exercise and movement science major from Huntington, Indiana.
- Nick Bond, a junior biology pre-med major from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
- Lea Buckenmyer, a junior biology pre-med major from Liberty Township, Ohio.
- Kyle Burkholder, a junior management, economics and finance major from Pleasant Lake, Indiana.
- Evie Clapp, a senior digital media animation major from Westfield, Indiana.
- Tori Coble, a junior nursing major from Syracuse, Indiana.
- Gina Eisenhut, a junior journalism, public relations and English writing major from Bluffton, Indiana.
- Isaiah Gerber, a junior English writing, psychology and sociology major from Ossian, Indiana.
- Sarah Gruenewald, a junior English writing and public relations major from Millstadt, Illinois.
- Jonathon Kane, a junior film production major from Kendallville, Indiana.
- Kaylie Killian, a junior biology pre-med major from Huntington, Indiana.
- Nicole Manges, a junior English writing and literature major from Greenville, Ohio.
- Meghan Martin, a senior elementary education and TESOL major from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
- Bailee Overfelt, a senior elementary and middle school math education major from Brownsburg, Indiana.
- Miranda Palmer, a junior public relations and communication studies major from Findlay, Ohio.
- Christine Sparks, a junior elementary and middle school math education major from Bloomington, Indiana.
- Rachel TerMarsch, a senior communication studies major from Holly, Michigan.
- Paige Winans, a junior elementary education, special education, middle school math education and TESOL major from Angola, Indiana.
- Haley Wyatt, a junior digital media animation and computer science major from Woodland, California.
- Luke Yurkovich, a junior digital media animation major from North Royalton, Ohio.
- Rebekah Zimmerman, a junior social work major from Berne, Indiana.