Huntington University to host Service Emphasis week starting Feb. 18
FOR RELEASE: Thursday, February 14, 2013
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Huntington University's Joe Mertz Center will host a Service Emphasis Week beginning Feb. 18. Throughout the week, students and community members will have the opportunity to get involved through several volunteer opportunities as well as hear how Huntington community members are serving. Chapel speakers will include Joey Spiegel, a 2006 HU alum and executive director of Love INC, and 2005 alum Rev. Richard Strick, and his wife, 2006 alum and executive director of the United Way of Huntington County Jenna Strick. Spiegel will speak on Tuesday morning and the Stricks will speak on Thursday morning in a question and answer style format.
Community members and students are also encouraged to participate in a blood drive from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m Wednesday. The JMC will also host a clothing drive Monday through Friday. Donations can be dropped off in the JMC office or in residence halls.