Peace authors education chapter on classroom control and self-efficacy

Dr. Terrell Peace, director of graduate & undergraduate teacher education / professor of education / department chair at Huntington University has been published in an education book titled: Self-Efficacy in Action: Tales from the Classrooms for Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development. Peace wrote both the foreword and chapter 8; Control and Self-Efficacy.

Through his research, Peace focused his writing on exploring the relationship between the degree to which teachers feel that they get to control what goes on in their classrooms and their own feelings of competence in what they do as a teacher.

“Along with the many visible results of the ‘reform’ agenda, I began to sense changes in the faces and voices of classroom teachers. The constant criticizing and blaming of teachers in the media seemed to be eroding the pride they had in themselves as teachers,” stated Peace. “The cumulative effect of years of this hyper-scrutiny also seemed to be having another devastating effect: the loss of teacher self-efficacy; the teachers’ belief in their own competence in teaching and in making a difference in the lives of children and young people.”

Peace was president of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) during 2010-2011, and appointed The Commission on Teacher Self-Efficacy to take a comprehensive look at the broader issue of teacher self-efficacy in the context of the more turbulent era of “educational reform.” After five years of research and discussion, dozens of conference presentations, and countless hours of writing and editing, the Commission offered this book with the hope of contributing to the education field. Peace has been involved with ATE for more than 25 years, and in addition to his term as president, has served on the board of directors and in numerous other leadership positions.