Spring Break inspires students to serve
HUNTINGTON, Ind. While Huntington University students serve this Spring Break in Jamaica and Belize, another group of students is stepping out on faith for a "mystery trip."
The "mystery trip" is named because the location is unknown to the students going on the trip. The idea for the trip is to provide disaster relief to any area that may need it at the time of the trip as well as keeping the focus on service instead of travel. The trip is led by Grace Kaufman, director of volunteer service and outreach ministry, and Friesen Center volunteer coordinator Lauren Kirby.
"It is a trip that is about service and spiritual retreat," said Clarissa Hunter, a student going on the trip. "It is also something new, something different."
The students going on the "mystery trip" are:
- Lauren Kirby, a junior nursing major from Sturgis, Mich.
- Victoria Bayliff, a senior education major from Lima, Ohio.
- Amber Bos, a sophomore nursing major from Grand Ledge, Mich.
- Brittani Florian, a sophomore accounting major from Baroda, Mich.
- Haley Glinz, a sophomore music major from Spring Arbor, Mich.
- Hannah Hochstetler, a senior graphic design major from Goshen, Ind.
- Clarissa Hunter, a sophomore communication studies major from Fairland, Ind.
- Madison Johnson, a sophomore social work major from Monroe, Ind.
- Megan Nofzinger, a junior nursing major from Dublin, Ohio.
- Rebecca Perhai, a junior elementary and special education major from Port Huron, Mich.
- Olivia Watkins, a sophomore bible and religion, and biblical studies major from Kenton, Ohio.
The Belize trip team is headed to the Hosanna House in Valley Community to renovate the homes of families in need as well as paint a preschool and play sports with the children. The team is being led by campus pastor, Arthur Wilson, and student trip leader, Kaitlyn Dreman.
Those attending are:
- Kaitlyn Dreman, a senior exercise and movement science major from Aurora, Colo.
- Christina Amara, a junior exercise and movement science major from Dan Diego, Calif.
- Shana Christian, a sophomore psychology major from Kendallville, Ind.
- Kerrie Ecker, a freshman elementary education and English as new language major from Cicero, Ind.
- Leah Imhoff, a freshman undecided major from Peoria, Ill.
- Megan Karst, a senior exercise and movement science major from Huntington, Ind.
- Corrine Kauffman, a sophomore psychology and educational ministries major from Columbia City, Ind.
- Karli Melder, a sophomore animation and psychology major from Marietta, Ga.
- Kelly Piepenbrink, a sophomore biology pre-med major from Fort Wayne, Ind.
- Alexandra Pollock, a sophomore journalism major from Cicero, Ind.
- Jacob Reents, a sophomore youth ministries major from Litchfield, Ill.
- Zach Shultz, a junior psychology major from Hoagland, Ind.
- Connor Slavicek, a sophomore youth ministries major from Columbia City, Ind.
- Amy Snider, a junior elementary education and English as new language major from Wapakoneta, Ohio.
The Jamaica trip team is being led by the Friesen Center's namesake, Dr. Norris Friesen, Vince Haupert, vice president for advancement, and student trip leader Katie Eckhoff. The team is setting out as the first group to serve in Jamaica since 2008.
The team includes:
- Katie Eckhoff, a senior elementary and special education major from Montrose, N.Y.
- Stephen Crane, a junior film production major from Richmond, Ind.
- Amy Hetrick, a junior marketing major from Fort Wayne, Ind.
- Paige Jones, a junior social work major from New Haven, Ind.
- Justin White, a sophomore film production major from Clymer, N.Y.
- Thomas Krueger, a junior social work major from Churubusco, Ind.
- Alan Huffman, a senior sport and exercise studies major from Greenwood, Ind.
- Evan Clark, a senior youth ministries major from Ann Arbor, Mich.
- Esther Kaufman, a senior nursing major from Grabill, Ind.
- Logan Bush, a senior film production major from Olney, Ill.
- Tyson Kalischuk, a sophomore accounting major from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Ciara Smith, a senior sport and exercise studies major from Rochester, Ind.
- Zac Eckert, a senior elementary and special education major from Monroe, Ohio.