2003-2004 Indiana Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi
2003-2004 Indiana Beta Chapter Officers
Mr. Matt Purdy
Ms. Joni Michaud [Fall], Ms. Victoria Hall [Spring]
Ms. Beth Shindle
Ms. Annie Jacquay
- Dr. Paul E. Michelson, Department of History
- Dr. Ann McPherren, Department of Business and Economics
- Mrs. Jean T. Michelson, RichLyn Library
2003-2004 Active Members
- Sara Blaine
- Matt Bruce
- Chris Buehrer
- Amanda Burge
- Emily Burkholder
- Melissa Cole
- Josh Dawes
- Ben Eggleston
- Keith Elliott
- Jeff Fought
- Renae Flora
- Kyleigh Gast
- Victoria Hall
- Amber Hirschy
- Annie Jacquay
- Rebecca Laumbattus
- Stacey Maifeld
- Jodie Maller
- Lori Merkle
- Joni Michaud
- Claire Pontius
- Matt Purdy
- Libby Rayle
- Rachel Rohrs
- Beth Shindle
- Kyle Shoemaker
- Dwight Simon
- Katie Sjoberg
- Jen Stults
- Rachel Tinon
- Christina Watson
- Amanda Wier
2003-2004 Indiana Beta Chapter Activities
2003 AX Induction Convocation, 11:00 am, October 3, 2003
The induction of 16 new members into Alpha Chi was held on October 3, 2003 The induction Convocation was followed by a luncheon for AX members and parents of the the new inductees hosted by the Alumni Office. Check here for the Induction newsrelease. For gobs of pictures, look here . (Thanks to John Paff, Bethany Doyle, and Julie Babb for the great coverage.)
Alpha Chi and The Huntingtonian
Alpha Chi members again agreed to contribute a regular column to the Huntingtonian. Under the leadership of Rachel Rohrs and Beth Shindle, chapter members will contribute a column to every issue of the Huntingtonian this year. Good work! Check it out at the Huntingtonian site here. The new title of our column will be "Alpha Chi Incites".
Alpha Chi Discussion Forum, October 9-10-11, 2003
We led three discussions in collaboration with Alpha Psi Omega following the presentation of Berthold Brecht's "Life of Galileo," October 9-10-11, in Hiner Hall of the Science Building. A great show and an excellent discussion.
Alpha Chi Graduate School Forum, October 23, 2003
The fall Alpha Chi Graduate School Forum was held on Thursday, October 23, 2003, at 5:30 in the HDC Conference Room C The focus of the Forum was to talk about applying for graduate school, especially for those planning on attending in the fall of 2004. Martha Smith was our visiting expert and talked about application details, the GRE, fellowship possibilities, and other goodies; Jen Hering, an AX alum now working for the HC Graduate School of Christian Ministries, presented the GSCM program and gave some tips; Dr McPherren and Dr Michelson gave their dog and pony show on things to do and not to do when applying to graduate school; and Mrs. Michelons mentioned some of the RichLyn Library sources available for GRE prep.
Alpha Chi Movie Forum: Michael Moore's "Bowling For Columbine," Thursday, November 6, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. at Norms Place in the HUB
We watched the movie followed by a discussion with a distinguished panel of experts (Dr. Mary Ruthi (Sociology), Dr Mike Rowley (Communications), Dr Norrie Friesen (Academic Dean), and Jake Sikora (student) dealing with "Is America really evil? Or does it just seem that way?" and "Lies, Statistics, and Michael Moore" among other topics.
2004 Scholarship Competitions
We again had nominees for the national and regional Alpha Chi scholarships. Ms. Rachel Tinon was awarded both Region V and National Alpha Chi scholarships. Ms. Emily Burkholder and Mr. Ben Eggleston were runnerups for the Regional scholarships. We also have a scholarship and off campus study information page, which includes information on these and other opportunities.
Alpha Chi Movie Forum: Mel Gibson in "Signs," Monday, December 1, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. at Norms Place in the HUB
Is America really evil because it is ruled by aliens? Or are the aliens coming to take us out because we are evil? Join us for an Alpha Chi Movie/Discussion Forum. We have issued an invitation to an alien to participate; see if he or she is a no show or not!
Alpha Chi Forum, Wednesday, January 14, 7:00 pm at Coffee D'Vine
Subject: The platforms of the Democrat and Republican parties, with reference to the upcoming election. Our panel of experts was composed of Profs Dwight Brautigam (History) and Jeff Webb (History).
Spring Work Project, February 28, 2004
We assisted with the moving of the Huntington County Habitat for Humanity office to its new location on Etna Avenue.
Indiana Beta Chapter Wins Recognitions at the 2004 Alpha Chi Regional Convention, March 26-27, 2004
The Indiana Beta chapter was very successful at the Region V Convention, March 26-27, 2004, at Grace College, Winona Lake, Indiana.Four Huntington College students presented papers in the Region V scholarship competition, including Emily Burkholder, "Civil War Sharpshooters: The Symbol of Change," Ben Eggleston, "Terrorism Insurance: Solution or Problem?", Claire Pontius, "A Quest for Meaning in Aesthetic Beauty: James Joyce and C. S. Lewis," and Rachel Tinon, "Bruised Reed, Smoking Flax: Shakespeare's Portrayal of Puritanism in Twelfth Night and Measure for Measure." Ten delegates from Huntington attended the convention in addition to Ms Burkholder, Mr Eggleston, Ms Pontius, and Ms Tinon: Ms Annie Jacquay, Ms Loris Merkle, Mr Matt Purdy, Mr Dwight Simon, and sponsors Dr Michelson and Mrs Michelson.
Ms Tinon won the Region V undergraduate scholarship and Ms Burkholder was selected as the runner up. Mr Eggleston was the runner up for the Region V graduate fellowship. Ms Merkle was elected as the Region V student representative to the Alpha Chi National Council for 2004-2006 and Huntington's Indiana Beta chapter was recognized at the meeting as a Star Chapter. (It is one of only 6 of Alpha Chi's some 300+ chapters that has won this award every year since its inception nine years ago.) According to Dr Michelson, "Huntington College's delegation was the largest at the convention, except for the host chapter. All four of our scholarship presenters did an excellent job, showing that HC continues to be very competitive in regional and national scholarship competitions." Congratulations Emily, Ben, Claire, Rachel, and Lori for representing our chapter well!
"Politics 2004 Debate," April 1, 2004
Alpha Chi members Ms Clair Pontius and Mr Dwight Simon served as moderators for the Forester Lecture Debate on the 2004 campaign featuring Dr Billy McCormack of the Christian Coalition of America and Mr Jim Wallis of Sojourners Magazine.
President's Spring Alpha Chi Reception 2004
The local chapter was hosted at a reception on April 25 by the President of Huntington College, G. Blair Dowden. Seniors were recognized and the Sophomore Honor Awards were presented to Stephen Boston, Kevin Krauskopf, Anna Lee, Emily Padilla, Chad Pryor, Christi Shook, and Kristina Thompson. For HC News coverag on the Sophomore Honor Award, take a look here.
Forester Night, May 4, 2004
The Outstanding Scholar Award for 2004 was presented to Ms. Beth Shindle and graduating seniors received their medallions and certificates. Thanks for a fine job as a Star Chapter and best wishes to all of you. And kudos to all of you who cleaned up in the various other awards presented on Forester Night. For a fuller story on Forester Night, check here. In addition, 9 of the 20 people selected for Who's Who were Alpha Chi members: Mr Shoemaker, Ms. Pontius, Ms. Rohrs, Mr. Purdy, Ms. Shindle, Mr. Eggleston, Ms. Jacquay, Mr. Buehrer, and Ms. Blaine. For the story on that, see here.