HU Alpha Chi Members to Present at National Convention

Eight members of the Indiana Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi National College Honor Society at Huntington University will attend the Alpha Chi National Convention in Chicago on March 19-21 where they will present papers, help lead workshops and compete for scholarships.
The following HU students will present papers:
Luke Batdorff, a senior mathematics major from Bluffton, Indiana; “Shor's Quantum Computing Algorithm”
Bronwen Fetters, a senior English writing and literature major from Huntington, Indiana; “Pivotal and Puzzling: The Indian Boy in A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
Esther Higginbottom, a senior psychology and English writing major from Bluffton, Indiana; “F. Scott Fitzgerald: Deterioration through Stress and Identity Crisis”
Alex Hoffman, a senior computer science, accounting and philosophy major from Huntington, Indiana; “God and Time: A Defense of Timeless Eternality”
Jannea Thomason, a senior English major from Yorkville, Illinois; “Heroes, War, and PTSD: The Iliad and The Aeneid”
Andrew Wickersham, a senior history major from Huntington, Indiana; “Containing Strategic Sense: How Ideology and National Image Hindered American Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia (1949-1969)”
Yang Wu, a senior journalism major from Zhangjiakou Hebei, People’s Republic of China; “Why are they trapped to watch others have sex?”
In addition to receiving recognition at the convention as a Star Chapter of Alpha Chi for 2013-2014 (one of only four chapters out of some 300+ in Alpha Chi to receive this award every year since its inception in 1996), the Huntington University chapter will compete for the President’s Cup for the Outstanding Chapter of the Year, representing the Mid-West Region V of Alpha Chi. The chapter also will present two of the 15 chapter-strengthening sessions at the convention, focus on topics such as “Campus Programs with a Purpose” and “So You Want to Go to Graduate School?”
The group will be accompanied by sponsors, Dr. Paul E. Michelson, distinguished professor of history, Dr. Ruth Nalliah, professor of chemistry, and Jean Michelson, circulation coordinator for HU’s RichLyn Library.
The Indiana Beta chapter is one of the most active chapters in Alpha Chi nationally and won the President’s Cup in 2001. Election to Alpha Chi is the highest academic honor at Huntington University.