HU Alumni Awarded October 4

With Homecoming Weekend fast approaching, Huntington University is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s alumni awards: Brian Hughes, Dr. Matthew Campbell and Keirsh Cochran. The formal awards presentation will take place on October 4, the first day of Homecoming Weekend.
Hughes will claim the Distinguished Alumni Citation, Campbell will obtain the Alumnus of the Year award and Cochran will receive the Young Alumnus Award.
The Young Alumnus Award is presented to an alumnus who is 30 years old or younger at the time of nomination and has made a significant impact on the world since graduation. Cochran, a 2013 graduate of Huntington University, has built his career as a police officer in Fort Wayne. In 2017, he received a meritorious service citation from the Fort Wayne Police Department.
“Although Keirsh Cochran has a degree in broadcasting,” said Danielle Shafer, director of alumni relations and engagement, “he felt called by God to become a police officer and today serves the Fort Wayne community. Passionate about his faith and racial reconciliation, Keirsh is making huge impacts in his community both professionally and personally.”
Huntington University’s Alumnus of the Year award is designed to recognize an alumnus’ outstanding achievement or recognition in the past year. Campbell, a 1999 graduate, currently lives in Wisconsin with his family. He works as a general and vascular surgeon at Holy Family Memorial and volunteers as a surgeon and project medical director at Medical International. Campbell leads two or three medical missions trips to Bolivia each year through Medical International. He has also founded SendHealth, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps other medical personnel raise funds for mission trips.
The Distinguished Alumni Citation is designed to recognize exceptional service or achievement over a longer period of time – a premise similar to a lifetime achievement award. Hughes, a 1979 graduate of Huntington University, was the CEO of Sun Federal Credit Union from 1995-2017 and is the executive vice president of Sun Federal. In addition to his daily career responsibilities, Hughes serves on the finance committee and as a Bible teacher at Walbridge United Brethren Church and serves the United Brethren denomination in various capacities. He serves on the Rossford School finance committee, where he also served as a member of the board of education.
Hughes has remained involved with his alma mater and is a current member of the Huntington University’s President’s Advisory Council for Excellence.
The alumni awards presentation will take place on Friday, October 4, during a special chapel service at 11:00 a.m. Alumni, friends and current students are welcome to attend the service.
For more information about alumni awards or to nominate a Forester for one of next year’s awards, please visit