University to host two alumni gatherings this February in Florida
FOR RELEASE: Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Join President and Mrs. Dowden for two alumni gatherings this February in Florida. The Dowdens will greet alumni and friends at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17 in Orlando or at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 18 in Sarasota. Come to one or come to both!
The Orlando gathering will be held at Mimi's Café, 4175 Millenia Blvd. (by Millenia Mall off Interstate 4). Dinner prices range from $10 to $15.
The Sarasota gathering will be held at the Sara Bay Country Club, 7011 Willow St. A $13 plated lunch will be served.
Registration is required by Feb. 13. Click here to download the registration form. Please mail it back to Huntington University, Attn. Linda Taylor, 2303 College Ave., Huntington, IN 46750. Please make checks payable to Huntington University
For more information, please contact Linda at 260-359-4047 or