Recommended Reading for Parents

While we cannot support everything within every book below, here are some suggested readings that will help you make your parent or guardian’s transition as your loved one goes off to college. (The first two books are read in whole or in part by all our new students.)

The Outrageous Idea of Academic Faithfulness (2007, Brazos Press) by Donald Opitz, Derek Melleby. Click here.

The Idea of a Christian College (1975, Wm. B. Eerdmans) by Arthur F. Holmes. Click here

Cultivating the Spirit: How College Can Enhance Students’ Inner Lives (2011, Jossey-Bass) by Alexander W. Astin, Helen S. Astin, Jennifer A. Lindholm. Click here.

Parents' Guide to the 108 Biggest Secrets of College Life (2006, Random House) by Robin Raskin, Random House, Inc / 2006.Click here.