A calculator in classroom.


HU professor teaching math. HU professor teaching math.

Multiply your skill set and career outcomes

As a future mathematician, you will be able to creatively solve problems, test data, and put theory into practice as you learn how the world is shaped by mathematics. HU has designed this program to encourage peer collaboration, side-by-side learning and research with faculty, and a deep understanding of modern technology and industry-standard software that will prepare you for your specific industry. By understanding the world quantitatively, you will approach the world with creative thought, empathetic perspectives, and an appreciation for the beauty of mathematics. 


Mathematics Curriculum

Studying mathematics at Huntington University opens up your future to a variety of successful career options. Our curriculum is designed to develop your reasoning and computation skills across mathematical domains, but there is also opportunity for you to start applying them in specific fields such as education, finance, actuarial science, and information technology. You’ll gain the broad training you need, and we’ll help you identify the areas that interest you most while encouraging you to pursue those goals. 

Take Courses Like:
  • Intro to Discrete Mathematics
  • Calculus
  • Linear Algebra
  • Linear Algebra
  • Abstract Algebra
  • Real Analysis
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • History of Mathematics
  • Number Theory
  • Geometry

Dedicated Faculty & Staff

HU professor and student studying together. HU professor and student studying together.

I'm Ready!

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