
Category: Student Life

Student Success, Student Life

Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone

If you are ready to take that next step to get the most of your college experience, take the plunge! Keep pushing yourself in the things you are already doing. Explore new opportunities to further develop yourself personally, relationally, spiritually, and vocationally.
Student Success, Student Life

Move-In Weekend Tips

Orientation and move-in weekend is an exciting time with lots to take in and process. Taking these steps to make your life a little easier will help get your 2024-2025 academic year off to a good start!
Student Success, Student Life

Things You Shouldn’t Wait Until the Last Minute to Do

The start of the academic year is stressful enough, so taking care of things like these ahead of time is a good way to start your academic year on the right foot. While it requires more time up front, investing that time will ease your mind and allow you to feel well prepared for the academic year.
Student Success, Student Life

Making the Most of the Rest of Summer

It’s officially August, and the flip of the calendar brings the final few weeks of summer break with the 2024-2025 academic year right around the corner! While the end of summer often brings mixed emotions for many, there is still plenty of time to make the most of what’s left of summer.
Athletics, Spiritual Life, Student Life

The Forester Cause

HU’s sports teams, coaches, and student-athletes all commit to The Forester Cause, a mission statement based on Ephesians 4:12-13, “to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.”
Student Life

A New Game for An Old Prof: Forester Lecture Review

As a former student of Dr. Brautigam, I learned a lot from acting out history in his class, and that’s why I knew that I had to attend his Forester Lecture Series faculty lecture, “A New Game for An Old Prof: Life in France During World War II.”
Performing & Digital Arts, Student Life

Student One-Act Festival

Celebrate HU talent with the Student One-Act Festival, “Cracked Up Classics”! These one-act plays are directed, acted, and designed entirely by students from TH 421: Arts Management Class. Support your fellow students as they explore their creativity!
Student Life

What I Did: Moved to Forester Village

For the first two years of my college career at Huntington University, I lived in Roush Hall. I will always cherish the memories I made with my roommate and suitemates during that time, and yet, I knew I wanted to have another living experience in my last two years of college. Thankfully, HU offers another residence option: Forester Village.
Student Life

Family Friendly Refreshments and Other Res Hall Fun

Every residence hall has its own unique traditions and vibe. On the third floor of Wright Hall, you can enjoy a curated beverage with an entertaining name while you visit with friends.
Local Favorites, Student Success, Student Life

Be a Walker (literally!)

After my classes and internship, I like to grab my water bottle and walk on the sidewalk that surrounds campus. Students call this sidewalk the Campus Loop. Huntington University has a gorgeous campus, and my favorite season at HU is spring.