Curriculum and Courses
Master of Business Administration
The Master of Business Administration Program is designed to be completed in two years and has both face-to-face and online components. The master of business administration degree requires the completion of 24 credit hours of core courses and 12 credit hours from the executive coaching and leadership track or the management track for a total of 36 credit hours. The core courses required of all students pursuing a master of business administration degree include MB 501, 502, 503 or 513, 504, 505, 506, 507, and 508. The executive coaching and leadership track requires OL 600, 612, 614, and either OL 695 or MB 510. The management track requires MB 509, 510, 514, and 515.
Certificate in Executive Coaching and Leadership
The Certificate in Executive Coaching and Leadership prepares students to successfully facilitate relationships that help others transform their lives and careers. Students will learn the eight core competencies of coaching, and gain insight into, coaching theory and research, coaching practice, and scriptural application. The certificate program is offered in an online format. Students may complete one of the following levels in Huntington University's Certificate in Leadership Coaching: associate or professional. The Associate Executive Coaching and Leadership Certificate requires the completion of nine credit hours from OL 600, 612, and 614. The Professional Executive Coaching and Leadership Certificate requires the completion of 12 credit hours from OL 600, 612, 614, and 695. The curriculum contains International Coaching Federation (ICF) approved training within each course. Students successfully completing either the Associate or Professional Executive Coaching and Leadership Certificate will have met the required 60 hours of coach specific training and 10 hours of mentor coaching of the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) designation with the ICF. Additional coaching hours and passing the Coaching Knowledge assessment (CKA), as required by ICF, will be necessary for students to be eligible to apply for the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) certificate through ICF. For additional information about ICF certification, students may visit the ICF website and select the ACC ACSTH Path. (The Gold Standard in Coaching | ICF - ACC Paths (
Courses in Business Administration
New students will be enrolled in an online orientation module when accepted into a graduate program (excluding OTD students). Online learning provides a very flexible learning environment that requires students to take ownership for learning. This course is designed to be self-paced and will introduce students to the online learning management system, University policies and ensure students know how and where to seek assistance and support.
Effective leaders drive performance, build lasting value and make positive impacts on those around them. Leaders invest in the next generation of leaders and must deliver results. This course focuses on leader development using proven leadership models, current research trends, leader assessments, change management and best practices in leading and mentoring high-potential leaders. Participants will gain practical experience with selected leaders in existing organizations and corporations.
Leaders define and shape the cultures of the organization. Several factors contribute to an organization's culture, which impacts individual and collective behaviors and the work environment. Primary course topics include cultural components, core values, organization culture similarities and differences, transmission of culture, subcultures, culture change, behaviors and culture, business as mission and leading organization culture. Learning experiences include the study of culture in several existing organizations and corporations.
Today's leaders frequently encounter business challenges and opportunities that require global awareness, intercultural competency and skills. This experiential course is designed for participants to experience cultural differences through a combination of business and corporate meetings, historic site visits, and unique cultural opportunities. Most study tours are 7-10 days in length and require international travel. Course may be repeated as an approved elective course.
Organizations need leaders who can build sustainable business models established through successful business development strategies. This course includes such areas as market opportunity analysis, business value and risk, understanding new growth initiatives, stewardship of resources and the Triple Bottom Line. Practical applications include preparing effective business proposals, materials and visuals needed for various presentations and meetings.
Strategic, organizational and leadership foundations are presented in this course, which provide perspectives for resource allocation, organizational culture, processes, products and brand decisions. Three phases of strategy are addressed - formulation, integration and implementation - within the context of dynamic and competitive environments. Course experiences include applications to business and nonprofit industries that assist faith-focused leaders in designing and implementing management strategies and business plans for growth sustainability.
Sustainable organizations are often identified by their high performance in several strategic areas. Such optimizing organizations are committed to consistency, efficiencies and quality across the company. Primary topics in performance optimizing are examined, including performance measurement, motivation and human worth, quality control, quality improvement, analysis tools and implementing optimizing initiatives. Experiential learning opportunities emphasize the importance of the four phases of process management: assess, plan, prepare and execute.
This applications-based course prepares participants to become more effective and appreciative leaders of creativity and innovation in organizations. Innovation helps ensure organizational relevance and often leads to sustainable competitive advantage. Practical experiences in this course include the application of proven creative techniques and the development of a new product or service concept.
This course is designed to develop an understanding and appreciation of business research through practical experiences and applications. Participants will be introduced to common research methods, research design, effective proposals, literature reviews, market profiles, question development, sampling strategies, data collection methods, data analysis and report presentation. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are examined, including ensuring validity and reliability in studies. Proposals for research projects for an existing organization will be the major assignment for this course.
Effective product management strategies are essential to any organization. Specific areas of study include new product development, generating new product ideas, market entry strategies, diffusion, market adopters and managing product life cycles. Application of relevant tools and analysis methods for product decision making are emphasized. Attention is given to both physical productions and services.
This course is designed to review new and relevant marketing and brand management strategies across several industry sectors. Recent trends are identified which impact value propositions, market positioning, consumer behaviors, brand strategies, customer relationship management, ethical behaviors and distribution networks. Lessons learned from today's market leaders are examined through case applications and company projects.
This course is designed to develop a broad understanding of global issues faced by business practitioners in the modern world. In addition, a "consulting" project will help students develop a deep understanding of issues involved in doing business in a specific country. The "macro" issues of history, political structure, culture, and economy are covered as well as "micro" issues like global production and supply chain management, marketing, import/export management, and human resource management.
In this course, students will examine financial accounting terminology and concepts, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and financial statement analysis for decision-making. Emphasis will focus on recognizing the components and interrelationships between the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement and applying financial analysis tools such as common size statements, ratios, and trend analysis. Accounting and financial statement manipulation, fraud detection, and deterrence measures are additional course topics.
This course provides an overview of financial terminology, concepts, and decision-making models and tools. Topics include: time value of money principles, risk and return relationships, budgeting decisions, managing working capital, pro-forma financial statements, breakeven analysis, sensitivity analysis, and other financial decision-making concepts. Application of the financial tools for investment decisions will be made in consideration of the Triple Bottom Line framework of profit, people, and planet.
A study of various aspects of business, the subject area of which will be determined by the instructor according to student interest.
Prerequisite: Consent
A business-related field experience, which provides an opportunity for the student to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. Students will utilize the fellowship for career and skill development. A maximum of three credit hours may be applied to the required 36-hour MBA curriculum.
Prerequisite: Consent
Courses in Executive Coaching and Leadership
Students learn the five basic skills of coaching and come away with a written plan for how to use those skills in life and work. This experience is highly participatory with heavy emphasis on the integration and practice of each basic skill. It provides 20 hours towards a Coach Approach Skill Training (CAST) Certificate approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Students deepen their use of the basic skills of coaching while introducing advanced skills and group and team coaching skills incorporating them in a written plan. This highly participatory course utilizes a variety of learning styles including guided meditation, coaching demonstrations, physical movement, and peer learning. Each person will discover their own coaching style. It provides 20 hours towards a Coach Approach Skill Training (CAST) Certificate approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Students explore a variety of topics including the ICF Core Competencies and Code of Ethics and further development of a plan for how to use coaching in life and work. Participants will receive verbal and written feedback in both group and individual mentoring sessions with a certified coach. It provides 20 hours towards a Coach Approach Skill Training (CAST) Certificate approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and 10 hours of mentor coaching required for ICF certification.
Students have opportunity to practice and proved a variety of coaching related activities that would normally be expected of a leadership coach. The practicum requires a minimum of 300 hours and includes weekly individual interaction and coaching from a university supervisor. The required 300 hours are meant to assist students toward achieving their required hours for the PCC designation with ICF.
Prerequisites: OL 600, 612, and 614