Graduation Information
Graduation Requirements
It is the responsibility of the student to see that the proper courses for the intended degree and major are taken in the proper sequence. Special care should be taken with courses not offered each term. The faculty advisor should be consulted for assistance in planning, but ultimately the student accepts responsibility for registration in the desired and needed courses.
Commencement exercises for students in the Online Programs are held annually at the end of April or the beginning of May. Commencement exercises for students in Graduate programs are held annually at the end of April or the beginning of May and for some programs in mid-August.
Students must be present at Commencement exercises for the conferring of the degree unless exempted by an approved petition for absentia. Petitions must be submitted to the registrar no later than March 1 for the spring ceremony and by June 1 for the August ceremony (emergency requests excepted.)
Students intending to complete degree requirements during the summer may be permitted to participate in Commencement exercises in the spring as summer graduates (with a graduation date of August 15) provided they have no more than nine hours of coursework remaining at the time of Commencement. Students who wish to be summer graduates must file an acceptable plan for completing the outstanding credits with the registrar prior to Commencement. Courses offered by Huntington University that have already begun at the time of Commencement and are scheduled to be completed before August 10 will not be included in the nine-hour maximum. Students may be listed as summer graduates one time. Students whose names are published in the Commencement bulletin as summer graduates who fail to complete requirements as planned will not be listed in the bulletin again until all degree requirements are completed.
Students who take final coursework off campus must have final official transcripts to the Office of the Registrar by August 10 (in order to comply with federal reporting rules). Otherwise, they will be awarded their degree at the next official graduation date after they provide the necessary documentation.
For graduation requirements specific to your intended program, see that program's section of the academic catalog.
Applying for Graduation
Students pursuing any degree in the Graduate and Online Programs should submit a Plan of Study for Degree Completion by August 1 of the academic year of graduation. Students submit their plans to the administrative assistant of the Graduate and Online Programs. After the registrar has approved a student’s plan, the student must report any changes in the submitted plan of study for completion of requirements to the registrar for approval. Failure to do so could jeopardize the student's ability to graduate.
Students planning to complete a portion of their requirements for graduation through CLEP or DSST exams must complete that work in time to allow an official report of the results of that work to reach the registrar by mid-term of the spring semester prior to graduation.