Registration and Attendance

Registration and Advising

Registration for graduate students is open until one week prior to the first meeting day for a class. All students are registered by the HUGO Office. Students may view their schedule on the student portal (

Although faculty and staff advisors attempt to provide the best available information, the students are ultimately responsible for course selection and construction of their program. It is the students’ responsibility to see that program requirements are met and that the courses for the intended area of concentration are taken in proper sequence.

Attendance Policy

Due to the concentrated scheduling and the emphasis upon participatory learning, students are expected to be active online every week.

Students are expected to participate weekly in the online classroom. Failure to participate in the first week of a course will result in automatic drop from the course.

Adding, Dropping and Withdrawing from an Online Course

To add, drop, or withdraw from a course, students may do so contacting the HUGO Office.

Adding an Online Course

Students may add courses to their schedule in consultation with their academic advisor. A course cannot be added less than one week before the start date of the semester/session.

Dropping an Online Course

Students may only drop an online course if they have not participated in any manner on the course web site. Students who drop will receive no record of the course on their transcripts and their GPA will not be impacted.

Withdrawing from an Online Course

Students who have participated in an online course may withdraw from the course. Students who withdraw during the first week of class receive a grade of W on their transcripts, but there is no impact on their GPA. Students who withdraw after the start of the second week of class receive a grade of WF on their transcripts, and their GPA will be impacted. Students who do not officially withdraw from a class by the stated deadlines will receive an F for the class. 

Students who are receiving financial aid must remain continuously enrolled and maintain full- or part-time enrollment status.

Withdrawal from Graduate Programs

To withdraw from the graduate programs, students must notify the HUGO Office. Students who do not officially withdraw from the program are given grades of FStudents receiving financial aid must contact the Financial Aid Office regarding the implications on financial responsibilities.